The SHINE Project – Transnational Partner Meeting in Belfast

Lola was in Belfast recently for the SHINE Project Transnational Partner meeting. It’s strange how life works out, as Sanja featured Lola as a case study when the project first started and now Lola is working for us and also working on the project. The partners discussed the final stages of the project and are […]
The ERASMI Project – A Final Look

“Empowering Regional Actors & Stakeholders for Migrant and Refugee Inclusion” (ERASMI) Project is coming to an end. It’s been a wonderful three-year Erasmus+ project, working on identify innovative and interesting approaches to network collaboration in the field of migrant and refugee inclusion/integration. In this blog post we’ll take a closer look at the outcomes and […]
The 5th ERASMI Newsletter is now Live

The 5th ERASMI Newsletter is now live and available to be downloaded. In this newsletter you can read about: > The Final Transnational Meeting > The German Multiplier Event > The Integration Network Erfurt > Carrick on Shannon hosts event: new approaches to inclusion > Turkish Multiplier Event ERASMI will enable the diverse stakeholder groups […]
Include Her – Empowering Female Migrants in Digital Skills – Online Course

Become immersed in the digital world and develop your digital skills for personal and professional development Within the INCLUDE HER Massive Open Online Course you will expand and develop your knowledge and digital skills, learning how you can use and apply these practical digital skills within your studies, work and personal life. This is the […]
The importance of the INCLUDE ME Project

June is behind us, the half year, and we feel that it’s so significant we gave inclusion and diversity our best efforts in that period. So many things have happened during 2022 that show the urgency of inclusion processes, and we have been working hard to ensure we support these processes as good as we […]
Introduction to Community Mediation – The Include Me Project
We are looking for teachers, trainers and adult/community educators, but also higher education students with migration or intercultural background to test the first module of our Training Course in mediation education. This is in connection to the IncludeMe (Inclusion through Mediation Project). This Training Course aims to provide educators with resources, knowledge and skills to […]
BESTIE in Bordeaux

Sanja is our Intercultural and EU Project Specialist, and she recently went to Bordeaux for the first in-person transnational partner meeting for the BESTIE: Befriending for Social and Digital Inclusion Project. Imagine youth, seniors and migrants teaching each other digital skills. Well stop imagining, this is it. We are delighted to be working on this […]
The 4th Erasmi Newsletter is now live
The 4th ERASMI Newsletter is now live and available to be downloaded. In this newsletter you can read about: – The 5th Transnational Virtual Meeting – The Multi-Actor Collaboration Toolkit evaluation results – Workshop “Integration beyond rural areas” – Germany – ERASMI network in Saxony-Anhalt – ITI – a Multi-actor collaboration project in Umbria region, […]
The Importance of the Day One in Europe Project

The Day One in Europe project has become so important in the last few weeks. Imagine being a child and having to move from your home with no warning. Not just your home either, your country. Leaving behind everything that you’ve ever known. Making a long journey without your friends and your toys, in some […]