Adult Education

Latest Project

Due to the ongoing refugee crisis, it’s crucial to integrate refugees into our societies. The construction industry faces a labour shortage, so it presents a unique opportunity for integration. Our partnership is dedicated to creating resources and tools to support refugees entering the construction labour market. Our goal is to...

FEMCON will develop innovative vocational education and training tools that will assist women working in or considering a career in the construction industry to progress...

The Ingrow project provides Adult VET providers with modular, flexible, and innovative learning and teaching materials. They enable them to exploit their potential impact in...

Learning for All is an ambitious initiative aimed at organisational transformation within adult education centres to foster inclusion and diversity effectively. This Erasmus+ funded project...

Epic Stays – Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Alternative Accommodation A Shared European Vision: Inspired by the Need for Tourism Accommodation and Rural Tourism Regeneration Epic Stays...

Food is an important aspect of culture and identity. It can be a powerful starting point for migrant women to share their cultural heritage and...

Design For Change is an ERASMUS+ project which provides Adult Educators, Social Change Actors, Policy Stakeholders, and other stakeholders involved in social change with the...

The objective of the FORESTWELL project is to develop an innovative and sustainable teaching module in an Augmented Reality environment for Vocation Education & Training...

The objectives of CATALYSE are to provide social enterprises, their communities and adult education with the resources that will help them add to the social...

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