The past couple of months have been a very busy and exciting time at Momentum. Throughout February and March 2021, we along other business coaches from across Europe have been busy putting the Erasmus+ Growing European Micro-enterprise project (GEM) to...
We are busy working on Eminent, this project aims at supporting female migrant entrepreneurs. We know it can be particularly hard for women who move to a new country and to add starting a business to the mix it can...
The Migrant Community Mediators is a project that we are very passionate about. We can empathise with the issues that migrants face in their new homes, we know it can be extremely hard trying to fit into a new country....
In this blog post we are going to tell you more about the Restart + Communities project. Communities were always a driving force in the localities but during Covid-19 they have proved to be the backbone of society. They have...
You don’t need us to tell you what a tough year it has been for so many people, and not just for people but also for businesses. The Smart Up project has become invaluable during the Covid-19 pandemic. The main...
In this post we have looked at the work of Professor Maria Yang Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Undergraduate Officer; MIT D-Lab Faculty Academic Director. Professor Yang teaches students how to uncover ways to improve design in the world around them....
Although we can’t travel at the moment the OUTPACE Project is looking ahead to the days when we can. This project focuses on the connection between tourism experiences and pop culture. What do we mean by pop culture tourism? Simply...
Advocates of inter-agency approaches, Momentum was delighted to host the first meeting of the ERAMSI Interagency Network Ireland on 26th of February 2021 via Zoom. ERASMI seeks to support stakeholder groups in the field of migration and refugee inclusion work...
The Irish are a nation of storytellers, it’s one of the things we do best and one of the reasons why Ireland is such a popular destination for tourists. You can be sure wherever you visit that you will enjoy...