Youth Fit for 55

The main goal is to inspire young people to take action and create positive social initiatives in their communities. Our mission is to raise awareness, understanding, and commitment among the youth sector towards the Green Transition and the challenges it addresses on three main pillars – environmental, economic, and social. We believe that educating young […]

Design for Change

Design For Change is an ERASMUS+ project which provides Adult Educators, Social Change Actors, Policy Stakeholders, and other stakeholders involved in social change with the tools to use Design Thinking principles as a standard when: Deciding on priority issues, Determining who is affected by community problems and how, Determining what solutions are possible How they […]


Studies suggest that young people have a high interest in entrepreneurship, yet only a small fraction start their own businesses due to barriers such as a lack of knowledge, skills, and a fear of failure. The youth of today are politically and ethically involved, as evidenced by movements like Fridays for Future and protests against […]


Youth well-being is one of the most important EU agendas and is at the core of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. We know that being part of an engaging community gives us a sense of belonging. The project will enable community wellbeing through youth learning and produce wider social benefits. Youth learning rooted in utilizing […]


BESTIE project promotes cooperation within the community on an intergenerational basis, bringing together seniors, migrants, and young people with the help of adult educators, to overcome the digital and social exclusion of these groups, by allowing them to work together on bridging key skills. Rather than combating digital exclusion by more simply offering more digital […]

Leadership for Diversity

Intercultural education must make significant advances in the ability of education professionals to work creatively and co-operatively toward change by focusing on school practice, whether in the classroom or within the school. The Leadership for Diversity project intends to improve the professional profiles of the target group and thus, enhance and promote more inclusive schools. […]

Be21 Skilled

The rapid change of technology, growing globalisation and internationalisation in addition to the shift from industrial to knowledge-based economies has created the need for 21st century skills. Well-rounded 21CS are vital in battling uncertain future and aiding Europe in being more resilient and responding better to looming threats. Possession of these skills is thus seen […]

DARE – Diversities Reviving Enterprises

DARE believes there is a need for a fair, inclusive society which increases pressure on businesses to enable more inclusive working conditions. It is evident to DARE that VET educators and labour market actors face a huge responsibility to make the EU as welcoming and open a place as possible. DARE will deliver resources which […]


NGOs and TSOs have become essential actors in the social field, particularly in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and played a vital role during the COVID crisis.  At organisational level, they have been particularly affected by the crisis and undergoing radical changes, while capacity building has not been an overt agenda. Leaders drive […]

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