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The objectives of CATALYSE are to provide social enterprises, their communities and adult education with the resources that will help them add to the social and economic fabric of their communities by way of social impact, to assist existing and future entrepreneurs to gain the skills they need to support...

Empowering Creative Circular Entrepreneurs (ECCE) was conceived with this understanding in mind, that the creative industry will not return to its pre-pandemic peak until a...

ETHICAL FOOD ENTREPRENEURSHIP (EFE) will contribute to the professional development of food HEI & VET educators by increasing their pedagogic skills to develop and teach...

PIFS delivers on the Europe 2020 innovation strategy “with an ageing population and strong competitive pressures from globalisation, Europe’s future economic growth & jobs will...

To guarantee the widest possible use, we involve adult education organisations, trainers, NGOs and support structures (incubators, chambers e.g.) in our work and enable them...

Better Futures – Enabling Young Refugee Entrepreneurs aims to facilitate the empowerment of young refugees and asylum seekers, to achieve economic independence and further their...

EMINENT is an EU Erasmus+ Project bringing together partners and experts from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany and Ireland. This project aims to facilitate...

Supporting the Development of Transnational Thematic Tourism. ESCAPE 2 focuses on developing a Transnational Thematic Tourism Strategy integrating natural culture and heritage in the rural...

SMEs have an undisputed significance in driving Europe’s economic growth, accounting for 85% of new jobs and 66% of private sector employment. However, this economic...

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