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Epic Stays – Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Alternative Accommodation A Shared European Vision: Inspired by the Need for Tourism Accommodation and Rural Tourism Regeneration Epic Stays is more than just a project; it’s a partnership fuelled by a shared vision. Inspired by insights from global leading organisations like the United Nations...

Food waste is a significant problem in the European Union (EU), with an estimated 88 million tonnes of food wasted annually. The issue not only...

The Sustainable Development Solutions for Higher Education Institutions (SDS4HEI) project is integrating sustainability into the heart of higher education. With a keen focus on the...

The main goal is to inspire young people to take action and create positive social initiatives in their communities. Our mission is to raise awareness,...

Studies suggest that young people have a high interest in entrepreneurship, yet only a small fraction start their own businesses due to barriers such as...

It is no longer possible to look at food, livelihoods, health, and natural resource management separately. Addressing these complex and interdependent challenges requires embracing systems...

New Heights for Youth Entrepreneurship is a dedicated climate smart mountain entrepreneurship programme for young people. Empowering them to participative and implement decisive action towards...

On completion of our Future Festival Tools project, we will have enabled current and future generations of festival and events’ professionals to improve their competences...

Empowering Creative Circular Entrepreneurs (ECCE) was conceived with this understanding in mind, that the creative industry will not return to its pre-pandemic peak until a...

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