When we meet in person, we get to ask each other so many crucial and relevant questions. Even if we keep asking WHY, we know we are on the right track. It means we are creating something purposeful, that has...
A year and a half ago, I’ve started a new chapter in my life, again. I’ve moved countries, again, became new to the place, to the community, kick-started a new adventure for the second time in my life. The first...
After a very long break due to the pandemic, we were delighted to welcome the Teach Digital Project Partners to our Leitrim office for the Second Transnational Meeting of the Teach Digital Project. Teach Digital will increase the digital skills...
A special day for us in Momentum as we go live with our most ambitious growth plan yet. To expand and strengthen our team, we are creating three new roles in key growth areas. FOOD SECTOR SPECIALIST Momentum has been...
The Erasmus Plus project VIP@work has come to an end and we would like to update you on the project developments, since the last newsletter! As you might remember, VIP@work seeks to address youth unemployment and the education-employment skills mismatch...
We work on a multitude of educational projects, one of which is Empowerment Through Enterprise. This two-year Erasmus+ programme is nearing the end and we recently presented the educational resources developed as part of this project during a launch event....
Sligo Higher Institute of Technology, Monday 26th Nov, 6pm Adventure Tourism Innovative Partnerships Project (AVIP) HOT OFF THE PRESS FOR YOU!! AVIP has developed flexible modules that aim to enhance the capacity of Adventure Tourism businesses and students across Europe...
Supported by: LEO & Leitrim Tourism What a jammed packed with the amazing Leitrim tourism providers, everything from Adventure Tourism, Accommodation, Self Catering, Language Schools and even new up and coming ventures. Its without doubt Leitrim’s tourism experience providers really...