One of the Erasmus projects we have been busy working on is Street Food – Opportunities for Youth. And you know we love our food projects. Street food is one of the most vibrant and fast-growing food movements across Europe,...
On 2nd of July 2019, the North-East Regional Development Agency, organised the Final Conference of the ROOTs project “Recognising Cultural Heritage Opportunities for Tourism SMEs”, financed by the Erasmus+ Program, in Iași, Romania, at the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University –...
We are busy working on a very interesting project that focuses around communities. This project aims to support the community champions so that they can drive their communities forward. Over the coming months, we will be looking at some inspiring...
Virtual Reality or VR as it’s known is taking the world by storm. Along with augmented reality it can make the classroom a much more interesting place. With the Escola project in mind we were keen to find out how...
EMERGE is an EU Erasmus+ project bringing together project partners and experts from Poland, Denmark, Norway, Turkey and Ireland. This project aims to increase the number of female entrepreneurs in engineering by transforming their access to and the quality of...
With the Escola Project in mind we’ve been researching apps and websites designed for engineering students. Instead of having to carry bulky books, engineering students can now take advantage of the multiple apps and tools available. We’ve taken a look...
Note: This post was originally published on the Pixel Dust website on July 15th 2019. It’s summer and everyone is thinking about their next holiday destination. Should it be Spain, Portugal, Greece or Italy? If you want to get some...
Context In today’s digital, connected world, the savviness with which entrepreneurs employ information and communication technologies is essential to competitiveness. However, while digital communication skills have improved across the population generally, the ability to leverage information, especially data, is still...
One of the projects we are working on here in Momentum is The Adventure Tourism Innovation Partnerships (AVIP) so we’ve been busy researching adventure tourism. Living in Ireland we have so many adventure tourism providers and Val decided to check...