EU Projects

Most of our lifelong learning work falls under the umbrella of Erasmus+, the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. We offer open-source learning resources for those interested in the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. We invite you to discover some of our European projects here.

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PIFS delivers on the Europe 2020 innovation strategy “with an ageing population and strong competitive pressures from globalisation, Europe’s future economic growth & jobs will increasingly have to come from innovation in products, services & business models. Innovation is the lifeblood of the food industry and is essential to ensure...

Momentum are delighted to join our Irish partner NUI Maynooth in an ERASMUS+ project to enhance the teaching of Artificial Intelligence and its ethical aspects....

DIGITAL is a project that aims to increase the ability and motivation of educators working with lower skilled and lower qualified adults to use digital...

Growing scientific evidence from workers in digital environments has shown that the unconstrained use of devices can have a very strong negative consequence. The difficulty...

Teach Digital aims to increase the digital skills and confidence of educators working with lower-skilled women from migrant and ethnic minority backgrounds. By implementing appropriate...

REVALORISE+ recognises that to date, policy-makers, research funders and university boards have prioritised pursuing the immediate returns of research valorisation through licencing and patenting of...

Spanning Boundaries is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project working to break down the barriers between academia and industry. It aims to empower university and business...

The goal of INACT is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in pedagogic innovation, helping them to create inclusive, innovative...

The ONE project’s goal is to increase the environmental knowledge and digital communication and collaboration competences of HE leaders and staff, to carry out multi-national...

Digital Innovation is investigating how small service companies currently undertake new product development so that we can improve how innovation in services is taught. From...

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