EU Projects

Most of our lifelong learning work falls under the umbrella of Erasmus+, the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. We offer open-source learning resources for those interested in the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. We invite you to discover some of our European projects here.

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The rapid change of technology, growing globalisation and internationalisation in addition to the shift from industrial to knowledge-based economies has created the need for 21st century skills. Well-rounded 21CS are vital in battling uncertain future and aiding Europe in being more resilient and responding better to looming threats. Possession of...

DARE believes there is a need for a fair, inclusive society which increases pressure on businesses to enable more inclusive working conditions. It is evident...

NGOs and TSOs have become essential actors in the social field, particularly in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and played a vital role...

The objective of the FORESTWELL project is to develop an innovative and sustainable teaching module in an Augmented Reality environment for Vocation Education & Training...

The PatENT project consortium believes that over time, our work in the field of entrepreneurship for migrants can be a powerful instrument not only for...

It is no longer possible to look at food, livelihoods, health, and natural resource management separately. Addressing these complex and interdependent challenges requires embracing systems...

The overall objective of ARENAS (Analysis of and Responses to Extremist Narratives) is to characterise, measure and understand the role of extremist narratives in discourses...

Led by, University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), the ambitious project brings together twelve European partners to develop and implement acceleration services. Partners are embarking on...

According to the estimates, the share of rural tourism in total tourism revenues in Europe is around 15% and shows a continuous increase. Important rural...

Eco-health tourism is closely aligned with the priorities of today’s youth. It is underpinned by sustainability and how the quality of their natural environments is...

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